This VR experience started out as a small experiment created during Ludum Dare 31. The theme was "Entire Game on One Screen" and I thought it was good idea to try and make a VR variant of Blobby Volley, which is played in just one screen. I got Simon( to help me out with the 3D models.
The final entry into Ludum Dare was called VludumdaRe and required an Oculus DK2 and Razer Hydra for the controls.

Blobby Tennis is a remake of the same thing using the same but slightly modified 3D models and textures, but with audio, much better physics and just much more polish in general.
It is powered by the latest and greatest version of Rayne using DirectX 12 on Windows and Metal on MacOS.
Blobby Tennis implements the latest Oculus SDK as well as OpenVR to support both, HTC Vive and Oculus Rift using their tracked controllers.

Blobby Tennis was the first VR game on Steam for MacOS and has support for the Vive Tracker with racket! :)

The experience has no fixed goal, but it's fun to just play around for a while and setting your own goals. Like playing the ball back and forth 20 times (which happens to be very hard, but totally possible with some practice).

Blobby Tennis is available as a free VR experience on the Oculus Store and Steam!